Koshary, editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work, Egyptian chefs, khaki, editorial food, middle eastern food

Koshary, Google Arts and Culture, Cairo 2019

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work, Egyptian chefs, khaki, editorial food, middle eastern food

Traditional Kahk in the making, Google Arts and Culture, Cairo 2019

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work, Egyptian chefs, khaki, editorial food, middle eastern food

Traditional Kahk in the making, Google Arts and Culture, Cairo 2019

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work, Egyptian chefs, khaki, editorial food, middle eastern food

Traditional Kahk in the making, Google Arts and Culture, Cairo 2019

tea, editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work, Egyptian chefs, khaki, editorial food, middle eastern food

Traditional Egyptian Tea, Google Arts and Culture, Cairo 2019

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work, Egyptian chefs, Washington post,

Egyptian chefs are revolutionizing their cuisine, For The Washington Post, Cairo, 2023

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work, Egyptian chefs, Washington post,

Egyptian chefs are revolutionizing their cuisine, For The Washington Post, Cairo, 2023

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work, Egyptian chefs, Washington post,

Egyptian chefs are revolutionizing their cuisine, For The Washington Post, Cairo, 2023

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work, Egyptian chefs, Washington post,

Egyptian chefs are revolutionizing their cuisine, For The Washington Post, Cairo, 2023

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work, Egyptian chefs, Washington post,

Egyptian chefs are revolutionizing their cuisine, Noha Serag El Dien,  For The Washington Post, Cairo, 2023

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work, Egyptian chefs, Washington post,

Egyptian chefs are revolutionizing their cuisine, For The Washington Post, Cairo, 2023

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work, Egyptian chefs, Washington post,

Egyptian chefs are revolutionizing their cuisine, For The Washington Post, Cairo, 2023

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work, Egyptian chefs, Washington post,

Egyptian chefs are revolutionizing their cuisine, For The Washington Post, Cairo, 2023

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work, Egyptian chefs, Washington post,

Mothers Day recipes, El Biet Magazine, March 2023

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work, salads, summer, summer salads, vegan, vegan recipes,

Mothers Day recipes, El Biet Magazine, March 2023

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work, salads, summer, summer salads, vegan, vegan recipes,

Mothers Day recipes, El Biet Magazine, March 2023

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work, salads, summer, summer salads, vegan, vegan recipes,

Mothers Day recipes, El Biet Magazine, March 2023

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, conde Nast traveller, vegan recipes, Conde Nast, cairo street food, street food, Food, Travel and Lifestyle photographer, cairo photograph

A Taste of History, Conde Nast Traveller, August 2021

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, conde Nast traveller, vegan recipes, Conde Nast, cairo street food, street food, Food, Travel and Lifestyle photographer, cairo photograph

A Taste of History, Conde Nast Traveller, August 2021

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, conde Nast traveller, vegan recipes, Conde Nast, cairo street food, street food,

A Taste of History, Conde Nast Traveller, August 2021

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, conde Nast traveller, vegan recipes, Conde Nast, cairo street food, street food, Food, Travel and Lifestyle photographer, cairo photograph

A Taste of History, Conde Nast Traveller, August 2021

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work, salads, summer, summer salads, vegan, vegan recipes,

Artichokes, El Biet Magazine, May 2021

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work, salads, summer, summer salads, vegan, vegan recipes,

Winter soups, El Biet Magazine, January 2021

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work, salads, summer, summer salads, vegan, vegan recipes,

Baking for Winter, El Biet Magazine, November 2020

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work, salads, summer, summer salads, vegan, vegan recipes,

Fall Recipes, El Biet Magazine, October 2020

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work, salads, summer, summer salads, vegan, vegan recipes,

The Summer salads issue, El Biet Magazine, August 2020

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, seafood, easter, recipes, culinary, culinary work,

The Easter issue, El Biet Magazine, April 2020

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, desserts, chocolate, French cuisine, recipes, culinary, culinary work,

The French issue, El Biet Magazine, March 2020

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, sweets, desserts, chocolate, recipes, culinary, culinary work,

The Dessert issue, El Biet Magazine, February 2020 

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, soups, winter food, recipes, culinary, culinary work,

The Winter soups issue, El Biet Magazine, November 2019

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, Mexican, tacos, recipes, culinary, culinary work,

The Mexican issue, El Biet Magazine, October 2019

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, recipes, culinary, culinary work,

The Mexican issue, El Biet Magazine, October 2019

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes, cakes, vegan, recipes, culinary, culinary work,

Baking mania, El Biet Magazine, September 2019

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes,

Cheese Cake recipes, El Biet Magazine, August 2019

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes,

Seafood recipes, El Biet Magazine, June 2019

ice cream, editorial, food, photography, cairo, egypt, summer, desert, food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai, ice cream, deserts, Popsicle, chocolate,

Summer recipes, El Biet magazine, August 2016

editorial, food, easter,  seafood, photography, cairo, egypt, sardine, lemon, olive oil, food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai, renga, smoked fish, Easter, Egyptian Easter,

Easter recipes, El Biet magazine, May 2016

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes,

Sweet Potato recipes, El Biet magazine February 2019

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes,

Cheese Love, El Biet magazine December 2018

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes,

Workers lunch around the world, Cairo, BBC Capital, 2017

editorial, food photography, editorial food photography, print, recipes,

Lunch box ideas, El Biet magazine, November 2017

food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai, ice cream, deserts, sweets,

Ice cream recipes, El Biet magazine September 2017

food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai, ice cream, deserts, sweets, watermelon,

Watermelon recipes, El Biet magazine August 2017

editorial, food, bake,  cakes, photography, cairo, egypt, flowers, food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai, flowers, cakes, sweets, deserts,

Spring Bakes, El Biet magazine, April 2016

food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai, sweets, deserts, chocolate,

Chocolate lovers

, El Biet Magazine, May 2017

food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai, traditional, Egyptian, cuisine, fata, fatta,

Traditional Egyptian recipes

, El Biet Magazine, June 2017

food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai, traditional, Egyptian, cuisine, konafa, sweets, ramadan

Traditional Egyptian recipes

, El Biet Magazine, June 2017

food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai,

Abbas Fahmy cooking ways

, El Biet Magazine, March 2017
food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai, lamp, roasted, meat, veggies,

Abbas Fahmy cooking ways

, El Biet Magazine, March 2017
food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai, India, Indian, cuisine, traditional, recipes, Arabic,

The Indian Kitchen, El Biet Magazine, October 2016

food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai, India, Indian, cuisine, traditional, recipes, Arabic,

The Indian Kitchen, El Biet Magazine, October 2016

food, editorial, recipes, Middle East, middle eastern, cooking, cairo, egypt,

Cairo Cooking, El Biet magazine January 2019

editorial, food, photography, food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai, modern, Egyptian, cuisine,
Egyptian modern food, El Biet magazine March 2016
editorial, food, photography, food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai, modern, Egyptian, cuisine,
Egyptian modern food, El Biet magazine March 2016
editorial, food, photography, food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai, london, kaldesi, italian, UK
The Caldesi, London, El Biet magazine, November 2015
editorial, food, photography, food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai, Belgium, chocolate, chef, dominique persson, chocolate line,
Dominique Persoone, Brugge-Belgium, for El Biet magazine, 2014
editorial, food, photography, food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai,

Authentic Egyptian food, Enigma magazine, April 2014

editorial, food, photography, food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai,

Ramadan food reinvented, Enigma magazine July 2014.

editorial, food, photography, food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai,
Foodprint 2013, Belgium.
editorial, food, photography, food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai,
Foodprint 2012, Belgium.
editorial, food, photography, food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai,

Strada, The Four Seasons at the Cairo First residence, Enigma magazine October 2014.

editorial, food, photography, food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai,

Winter soup recipes , El Biet magazine November 2014

editorial, food, photography, food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai,

Green kitchens, Enigma magazine, April 2014

editorial, food, photography, food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai,

Recipes from Italy, El Biet magazine December 2014

editorial, food, photography, food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai,

Chocolate love, El Biet magazine, February 2015

editorial, food, photography, food editorial, food, editorial, print, magazine, photographer, egypt, middle east, dubai,
Modern Japanese food, El Biet magazine, August 2015
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